Re-evaluating your life in the light of lockdown

Paul HannamPaul Hannam
Paul Hannam
Steyning author Paul Hannam offers what could be a life-changing book – particularly at a time when so many people are re-evaluating their existences in the light of lockdown.

Significance – How to Refocus your Life on What Matters Most has been released by Bright Future Publishing (as a Kindle ebook at £2.99), available from Amazon Kindle Store.

Paul, aged 61, said: “This is a self-help book about how to refocus your life on what matters most and follows on from my previous books on self-help and motivation. I have been working on it for six months and it gained new significance during the extraordinary times we have all been living through.

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“It is a handbook of life skills for flourishing in the new normal and redefining your ideas of success, happiness and fulfilment. The contrast between a significant and insignificant life has never been clearer.

“It is practical and provides a step-by-step process for finding your calling and building a meaningful, purposeful life and career, based on a model I use with my coaching clients who want to be successful and significant. It is also a call to action to redesign our lives, communities and societies on the principles of kindness, wisdom, courage, service and sustainability.

“I wrote the book based on my own experience of working with thousands of people who have wanted to be not only successful but also significant. From my own experience and the experience of a lifetime’s work as a psychologist, coach, academic and author I am convinced that a happy life is a meaningful life.

“I have loved writing it because of the pleasure of writing itself and also my passion for the ideas in the book. I believe that all of us are capable of achieving so much more in our lives when we discover our purpose and commit to it wholeheartedly.

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“The reason I am publishing it now, rather than next year with a traditional publisher, is because I sense a real desire amongst people to change their lives and careers. The pandemic has highlighted what is essential and non-essential in our lives, and as we admire the amazing health and key workers who have protected us, I feel there is a greater urgency to lead a significant life by contributing to the greater good.

“I feel it will appeal most to people who have been re-evaluating and re-ordering their priorities in response to Coronavirus, lockdowns and the new normal. The book will help them to focus on areas of their lives that they had neglected or even to reinvent themselves.

“Many people have spent their careers rushing in the wrong direction hoping that more success, more status and more stuff will give them the feelings they want. The lockdown has been a chance to pause, reset and refocus your life on what matters most.

“I have had three other books published including the 2016 Sunday Times bestseller, The Wisdom of Groundhog Day. My first book was in 2005, and I started writing as I wanted to develop the ideas from lectures I was giving at Oxford University on leadership and organisational psychology.”

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Paul has given hundreds of talks and workshops on a wide range of skills such as employee engagement, leadership, motivation, communication, change management and emotional intelligence.

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