But others are not so lucky...

Parts of Climping could be abandoned to the sea.

The Environment Agency is proposing to stop maintaining the village's sea defences two years after its final strategy is published.

Even during those two years, only routine maintenance would be completed. Major repairs caused by a severe storm would not be carried out.

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The result of doing nothing in the long term will see farmland increasingly flooded.

The agency says a small number of properties in the Atherington area are likely to suffer a heightened risk of flooding.

No buildings will be lost to erosion after a century, but some local access tracks and land closest to the sea may be affected.

The agency states the 10.4m cost in the next 20 years of keeping the defences to their present standard cannot be justified.

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Henry Burrell is the Climping resident whose home at Atherington Farm is the nearest to the beach in Climping Street.

He said: "I am very disappointed by the Environment Agency's proposals. I have met with them and it was apparent that was their favoured strategy for this area.

"I have no idea how bad the flooding will be and I'm not sure how long it's going to take before we see any difference. The sea level is not rising a lot every year."

Mr Burrell is a member of Climping Parish Council which will debate the

proposed flood risk strategy at a coming meeting.

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The frontage between the River Arun mouth to the Ford