Camber village voice

Not so much happening in the village this week. I would like to remind you that we have the Camber Parish Assembly on May 8 in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.

It is an important meeting for the village, the only meeting each year, when we are able to give the Parish Councillors feedback on their performance and also raise questions. Don’t miss the opportunity.

The Parish Church continues to function well without it’s own minister thanks to the good will of retired ministers around the villages and the hard work of the two Wardens, Mike Botton and James Laidler.

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Everyone in the church is working hard to go the extra mile and it all seems to be going along nicely. Well done everyone.

Due to the weather recently, we have mostly been dealing with weather related incidents, towards the end of April, a vehicle travelling from Rye towards Lydd, lost its load at various points along the A259 and the Camber road, making it dangerous for other road users, another road user had a close call when a 8 metre length of 4 x 2 fliped off the vehicle carrying it and nearly hit their vehicle travelling in the opposite direction, all the wood was removed from the carriage way by police but the vehicle was never traced.

Also this week, due to the weather, poor unsuspecting sheep must have fallen into the river rother, and drowned, and floated out to sea, ending up laying on the sandy beach at Camber, and shocked dog walkers found them and rang the police, unfortunatly this is fairly regular, Camber beach often gets animals washed up, from sheep, to dolphins, and seals, as well as lots of foreign objects kindly donated to the sea by fishermen and other sea users, so the meassage is if you come across something on the beach, don’t touch it, just let the coastal control officers or myself know and we can deal with it.

Come and meet me at one of my Meet Me in Person meetings coming up, May 15th at the Camber Priority Panel Meeting at the Camber Memorial Hall at 7pm, and also May 24th at the Camber Police Box, Central Car Park, Old Lydd road at 10:30am

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Remember you can always contact me on my mobile 07796195639 or by email on :[email protected], or if you have something to report you can do this easily now just by calling 101 or in an emergency always call 999

Dan our PCSO is keen for you to be able to speak with him if you are worried about any events going on in the village related to good order. He can be contacted directly on 07796 195 639, leave him a message if necessary. His email, [email protected] or follow him on twitter@Rye_Police A boot fair is being held on the forecourt of Camber Castle Pub on 6 May from 10 - 6. Tables and boot pitches are £5, you can hire a table for £2 which is refundable. To reserve your place or ask any questions ring Tina, 229 069.

I’m always pleased to get items of news from you, please drop them through my letter box, or email me, [email protected]

Larri Hayhurst, 18b Denham Way