
Theft: Our PCSO, Daryl Holter has sent the following report: Overnight October 1-2, a workshop in the Hooe / A259 area was broken in to and a quantity of tools and equipment stolen, Serial number 0637 02/10/14 refers. Should you have information, please call 101 with the above serial number.

Ninfield Methodist Harvest: we had a great ‘Harvest Thanks’ weekend on October 4/5; on Saturday we had a ploughman’s lunch & David Swales showed Harvest Farming photos of Ninfield. Then on Sunday around 65 adults & young people packed our Church for a ‘Service of Thanks’ with the 1st. Ninfield Scouts & Reverend Peggy Heim. Donated tins of food & produce have been given to the Bexhill Foodbank. Thanks to everyone who made this such a happy occasion.

Carnival Committee: At their last meeting in September, they were pleased to receive a letter from Ninfield School asking for a donation towards the play equipment for the younger children. £500 was the target figure and the committee agreed unanimously to donate the full amount. The Carnival this year raised £5000 in profits for local causes and projects and the committee are looking forward to more applications for donations. A huge thank you again goes to all who helped, or donated time and/or raffle prizes, to make the Carnival weekend such a brilliant success. Some cheques will be presented at the Village Gala Night on October 25 at the Memorial hall, it’s a great evening and will be a chance for the Carnival committee to announce plans for next year. A new project for July 2015 to stand in for the Carnival, which will have to be rested for a year while Sparke Pavilion is being rebuilt. If anyone is interested in joining the committee or would just like to meet for a chat, their A.G.M is on Wednesday, October 25, at 8.30 p.m. in the Working Men’s Club, where more details on this year’s fundraising and next year’s ideas will be discussed. Look forward to seeing you there! Thanks again!

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Hooe Open Group: The Hooe Open Group are next meeting today, October 10, when the speaker Barry Wilkinson will be relating his experiences as a prison warder. If you are interested in joining a very friendly and jolly group of ladies, who enjoy each other’s company, why not go along to Hooe Village Hall on the second Friday of the month at 2.30 p.m., you will be made very welcome. For further information call Edna Wallis on 01424 842591.

Jumble Sale: Ninfield Flower Group are holding a jumble sale tomorrow, October 11, 2 p.m. at Ninfield Memorial Hall. Entry is 50p/person. As well as many bargains, there will be tea/coffee and cakes! If you have any jumble that you would like to donate, please contact Jennifer on 892878. Should you wish any further information regarding the group or any forthcoming events, please telephone Jennifer on 01424 892878 or email on [email protected].

Mobile Library: The East Sussex County Council Mobile Library service will next be in the villages tomorrow, October 11 & 25 at:

Hooe, opposite Denbigh Court, 1.50 p.m. - 2.35 p.m.

Ninfield, Coombe shaw (off Manchester Road), 2.50 p.m. - 3.25 p.m.

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Ninfield, Downsview (off Church Lane), 3.40 p.m. - 4.05 p.m.

Hooe History Society: Hooe History Society next meet on Thursday, October 16, in Hooe Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. Following a very swift AGM, they will sit back to enjoy Anne Bourner talk to them about the history of the Michaelmas Fair. Local talks by local people are always very popular and Anne is known to give an interesting and informative presentation so this is something not to be missed. It is surprising how much additional information comes from the audience at meetings such as this, it is a great way of collecting snippets for the record.

Ninfield Local History Group: The meeting last month was most entertaining and informative when Geoff Hutchinson gave a wonderful presentation in character and costume on Mad Jack Fuller. The Afternoon of Local History was very well attended and people seemed to enjoy the presentation of the Wells family photographs and a fascinating talk on the shops and business of Ninfield. Their next meeting is on Thursday, October 16, when the subject will be ‘Assisted Passage to the Colonies’ by Jan Cooper. All are welcome, the meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Church Lane and commence at 7.30 p.m. Members pay £1 per meeting, Visitors £2 per meeting. For further information, please contact Rod Ffoulkes on: 893635.

Ninfield Homemade Fayre: Returning to the Memorial Hall on Saturday, October 18. Tables are ÂŁ10 if you live in Ninfield, ÂŁ12 otherwise and can be booked through Kaye Crittell ([email protected] or 01424 892883). If it’s home made - art, craft, edible - then why not book a table!

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Christian Voices: Christian Voices, the Musical Drama Group, will be performing their next play in October. It is called “Let My People Go” and is based on what happens when Moses and Aaron tell the King of Egypt to let his slaves go free. The play was written by Alan Young and the songs composed by Dave Chamberlin. The performances will be in aid of the Bexhill Street Pastors. Christian Voices will be performing at Ninfield Methodist Church on Saturday, October 18 at 3 p.m. As usual, entry is free. All are invited to attend.

Ninfield Horticultural Society: On Monday October 20, their new season starts with the AGM at 7.30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. It is hoped many current and new members will come and just to remind you, it is the time to pay the annual membership fee of ÂŁ4. As a reward for attending the AGM, this will be followed by the welcome return of Kim Parks with some of his local wildlife slides. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ninfield Golden Circle: Their monthly meetings are held in Ninfield Methodist Church Hall in Church Lane at 2.30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. They are a cheerful group of Ladies and Gentlemen who enjoy an interesting programme of Speakers and demonstrations. Tea and biscuits and a raffle are also available. Do join them for a happy afternoon. Our next meeting is on October 21 at 2.30 p.m. in the Methodist Hall, with Joyce talking on ‘Memories of B & B’.

Messy Church: ‘Messy Church’ will be at Ninfield Methodist from 3.30-5.30 p.m., October 22, for young people ages 5-11 yrs. with their parents or carer. The theme in October will be ‘Saints Alive’ & include a meal. All welcome to these popular events.

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Village Open Meeting: The Parish Council are holding an Open Meeting on October 22 - details will be on the noticeboards and website. Please go along and help them to keep the momentum going with the ongoing housing debate.

Village Gala Night: Ninfield Village Gala Night returns for it’s 9th Annual event on October 25, at Ninfield Memorial Hall. A Fish & Chip Supper with Licensed Bar, Cabaret, Awards, Disco and Dancing. The Ticket price is ÂŁ13 per head ( 50p cheaper than last 2 years) and that includes Supper (choice of Fish, Chicken, Sausage or Veg. Burger) plus Cabaret, featuring ‘Deja Revue’ (London West-End, Brighton Venues). It will also include the Awards Ceremony – Village Award, Roger Kent Memorial Award, Carnival Assoc. Presentations and dancing to the International Music & Light show. Dress Code is Formal/Smart, and doors open at 7 p.m. with carriages at Midnight. This has proved to be a brilliant evening, so early booking is essential! Tickets, tables and food orders through Sami Guard on 893699, 07970650321 or email: [email protected] – or see Sophie in the Post Office! Please fill in a nomination form in the Post Office for your choice of Award Winners, closing date October 17.

Halloween: It has become a tradition in Ninfield for the Dance and Drama Club, in association with the Youth Forum, to do an organised Trick or Treat parade around the Village, this year’s being on October 31. Fancy Dress is a must and prizes are given to the scariest Child and Family! We have been proud to see such a fantastic group – sometimes nearly 100 people – parade through the streets, where residents await with sweets, or tricks of their own! – and collecting for the Youth Forum and Local Projects. This year, the Landlords of the Blacksmiths Inn, Ian and Kathy, have asked to join the fun and create a special evening at the Blacksmiths; to include food and games for the youngsters with a spooky cave, bobbing for apples, flour dips etc, followed by a Halloween Party Night for the Adults with food and Disco. The Ninfield Dance Club will be performing in the Car Park; that’s the children and, hopefully Les Belles Burlesques
 Vampires watch this space!! Get those costumes ready and come and join a fun evening! Please put a notice in your window if you do not want to be disturbed by trick-or-treaters
 This event will always respect non participants.

First Responders: The Bexhill & District Community First Responders, who cover Bexhill, Ashburnham, Ninfield, Catsfield, Crowhurst, Hooe , Whydown & Normans Bay, will be meeting on Wednesday, November 5. This is at Bexhill Fire Station at 7.30 p.m., every first Wednesday in the month. If you are interested in finding out more please contact the Team Leader, Mike Dean on 07970024135.

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Ninfield Parish Council: The next meeting for Ninfield Parish Council is on November 6, 7.15 p.m. at Ninfield Methodist Church Hall. All residents are invited to attend.

Crafts for Christmas Craft Fair: The 4th Annual Craft Fair will be held on Saturday 8th November in The Memorial Hall and will be open from 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. The charity this year is Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice. This year there are a number of new crafts on offer, the variety gets better every year. As usual, refreshments will be served all day, so why not meet your friends for a chat over coffee, a light lunch or afternoon tea and cakes? Any enquiries please to Pam Doodes 01424 892329.

Remembrance Sunday: As this year is the anniversary of the start of World War 1 an afternoon of Commemoration of the event has been created, alongside the marking of Remembrance Sunday on November 9. This will be held in the Memorial Hall, doors open at 1.30 p.m. and will include light refreshments, a wreath laying ceremony with the Ninfield Scouts and the Parish Council, a short presentation from the History group on the usage of the Hall during wartime, a poignant piece by the Drama club enacting a WW1 scene, some popular songs from the era performed by youngsters from the school and a short sermon from a ‘WW1 Chaplain’. Then there will be tea etc. and a natter, with doors closing by 5 p.m. This is an all inclusive village event, there is no charge, all residents are invited to come and be part of the Ninfield Commemoration of the First World War It’s a time to remember, and to be close to the people we love.

Finding out more: Don’t forget that you can find out more community information from both villages and Wealden District Council on our district councillors (Pam Doodes) website or the Ninfield Parish Council website: /

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St Mary’s Services (Church of England, Ninfield): Sundays - 9.30a.m. Parish Eucharist (Family Service on 1st Sunday of the month). Wednesdays - 10.00a.m. Holy Communion.

St Oswald’s Services (Church of England, Hooe): Sundays - 11.15a.m. Parish Eucharist (Family Service on 1st Sunday of the month).

Ninfield Methodist Church service/events: All services at 2.30 p.m. except the first Sunday of the month, where they hold a Family Service at 10.30 a.m. October 12, Service of Worship & Praise with Mr. O. Birch. October 15, Fellowship Guild - ‘Volunteering at the Olympics’ with Clive Loader. October 19, Service of Worship & Praise with Mr. D. Hanson. October 22, 3.30-5.30 p.m. ‘Messy Church’. October 26, Service of Worship & Communion with Revd. Peggy Heim.

Contact me: Anything that you would like included in the Village Voice for Ninfield or Hooe, please email the details to me: [email protected].

Rachel Feeley

17 Smith Close

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